openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: v2.2 termsOfService: / license: name: Apache 2.0 url: '' version: v2.2 externalDocs: description: mediaFinanz API Dokumentation url: / servers: - url: /v2.2/ tags: - name: collect description: Inkasso externalDocs: description: Weiterführende Dokumentation url: /docs/v2.2/ - name: infoservice description: Auskünfte externalDocs: description: Weiterführende Dokumentation url: /docs/v2.2/ paths: /infoservice/crif/score/concheck/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: crifScoreConCheck summary: CRIF b.ONE - ConCheck parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Person - Address properties: Order: allOf: - x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: CustomerReference: type: string maxLength: 40 ProofOfInterest: type: integer enum: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 x-enumNames: - Kreditanfrage - Geschäftsanbahnung - Bonitätsprüfung - Forderung ReportFormat: type: string enum: - NONE - PDF IdentCheckVariant: type: string enum: - Standard - Jugendschutz - Premium RequestFeatureCode: type: string maxLength: 2 - type: object required: - ProofOfInterest - ReportFormat example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 ProofOfInterest: 3 ReportFormat: NONE Person: allOf: - x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Title: type: string maxLength: 30 example: Prof. Dr. FirstName: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Max LastName: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Mustermann Gender: type: string enum: - u - m - f x-enumNames: - unknown - male - female example: m BirthDate: type: string format: date example: '2001-05-08' BirthPlace: type: string maxLength: 24 example: '' - type: object required: - FirstName - LastName Address: x-tags: - infoservice required: - Street - HouseNumber - PostalCode - City - CountryCode type: object properties: Street: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Weiße Breite HouseNumber: type: string maxLength: 10 example: 5-7 PostalCode: type: string maxLength: 10 example: '49084' City: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Osnabrück CountryCode: type: string enum: - DE example: DE responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: bSuccess: type: boolean example: true aMessage: type: array description: array of Messages items: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: sKey: type: string example: info sValue: type: string example: Operation successful sRaw: type: string example: ... Data: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: ServiceReference: type: string example: '3522258114' CustomerReference: type: string maxLength: 40 example: 6910-2 ScoreValue: type: string example: '1.50' Identification: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Data/properties/Risk/allOf/0' - type: object example: Code: NW Text: Person unknown/address known Risk: allOf: - x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Code: type: string maxLength: 4 Text: type: string maxLength: 255 - type: object example: Code: B10 Text: 'Statistical risk of default: average' DataBase64Encoded: type: string format: byte example: '' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/infoservice/crif/score/concheckplusident/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: crifScoreConCheckPlusIdent summary: CRIF b.ONE - ConCheck PlusIdent parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Person - Address properties: Order: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Order/allOf/0' - type: object required: - ProofOfInterest - ReportFormat example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 ProofOfInterest: 3 ReportFormat: NONE Person: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Person/allOf/0' - type: object required: - FirstName - LastName Address: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Address' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Response' Data: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Data' DataBase64Encoded: type: string format: byte example: '' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/infoservice/crif/score/riskcheckbusiness/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: crifScoreRiskCheckBusiness summary: CRIF b.ONE - RiskCheck Business parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Company - Address properties: Order: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Order/allOf/0' - type: object required: - ProofOfInterest - ReportFormat example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 ProofOfInterest: 3 ReportFormat: NONE Company: x-tags: - infoservice required: - CompanyName type: object properties: CompanyName: type: string maxLength: 60 example: Mustermann GmbH CommercialRegisterNumber: type: string maxLength: 20 example: HRB 230807 VAT_ID: type: string maxLength: 15 example: DE123456789 Address: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Address' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Response' Data: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Data' DataBase64Encoded: type: string format: byte example: '' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/infoservice/crif/score/negativecheckhard/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: negativeCheckHard summary: CRIF b.ONE - NegativeCheckHard parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Person - Address properties: Order: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Order/allOf/0' - type: object required: - ProofOfInterest - ReportFormat example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 ProofOfInterest: 3 ReportFormat: NONE Person: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Person/allOf/0' - type: object required: - FirstName - LastName Address: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Address' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Response' Data: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Data' DataBase64Encoded: type: string format: byte example: '' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/infoservice/schufa/identcheck/childprotection/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: schufaIdentCheckChildProtection summary: Schufa IdentCheck ChildProtection parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Person - Address properties: Order: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Order/allOf/0' - type: object required: - IdentCheckVariant example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 IdentCheckVariant: Jugendschutz Person: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Person/allOf/0' - type: object required: - FirstName - LastName - Gender - BirthDate Address: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Address' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Response' Data: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: ServiceReference: type: string example: '3522258114' CustomerReference: type: string maxLength: 40 example: 6910-2 ReturnCode: type: string example: '' FoundWithPreviousAddress: type: boolean example: false IdentityVerified: type: boolean example: true Match: type: array items: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: sField: type: string example: FirstName sMatchQuality: type: string example: '100.0' Consumer: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: FirstName: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Max LastName: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Mustermann Gender: type: string example: m BirthDate: type: string format: date example: '2001-05-08' Street: type: string maxLength: 50 example: Weiße Breite 5 PostalCode: type: string maxLength: 10 example: '49084' City: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Osnabrück CountryCode: type: string example: DE '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/infoservice/schufa/score/creditcheck/: post: tags: - infoservice operationId: schufaScoreCreditCheck summary: Schufa Score CreditCheck parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object required: - Order - Person - Address properties: Order: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Order/allOf/0' - type: object required: - RequestFeatureCode example: CustomerReference: 6910-2 RequestFeatureCode: AV Person: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Person/allOf/0' - type: object required: - FirstName - LastName - Gender Address: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Address' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1infoservice~1crif~1score~1concheck~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Response' Data: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: ServiceReference: type: string example: '3522258114' CustomerReference: type: string maxLength: 40 example: 6910-2 ScoreCard: x-tags: - infoservice type: object properties: ScoreValue: type: integer example: 822 RiskQuote: type: string example: '0,35' ScoreArea: type: string maxLength: 1 example: A ScoreText: type: string maxLength: 255 example: 'INKASSO A, INKASSO INDEX 273' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

/collect/claim/new/: put: tags: - collect operationId: delegate summary: Übergabe neue Forderung parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: required: - ClientCustomerRefNo - Debtor - Claim type: object properties: ClientCustomerRefNo: type: string maxLength: 40 example: 6910-2 PartnerNo: type: integer example: 91 AcceptanceDate: type: string format: date-time example: '2022-10-17T12:15:00' deprecated: true Stage: type: string enum: - V x-enumNames: - Vorgerichtlich example: V Debtor: required: - Company - PersonType - LastName - FirstName - PostalAddress - Communications type: object properties: LegalForm: type: string enum: - AG - Einzelunternehmen - e.G. - e.K. - e.V. - GbR - GmbH - GmbH & Co KG - Inc. - KG - KdöR - Ltd. - OHG - Stiftung - UG - UG & Co. KG x-enumNames: - Aktiengesellschaft - Einzelunternehmen - Eingetragene Genossenschaft - Eingetragener Kaufmann - Eingetragener Verein - Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung & Compagnie Kommanditgesellschaft - Incorporated (us) - Kommanditgesellschaft - Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts - Limited Company (britisch) - Offene Handelsgesellschaft - Stiftung - Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) - Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) & Compagnie Kommanditgesellschaft example: GmbH Company: type: string maxLength: 60 example: '' PersonType: type: integer enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 x-enumNames: - Unbekannt - Herr - Frau example: 1 LastName: type: string maxLength: 60 example: Mustermann FirstName: type: string maxLength: 40 example: Max BirthDate: type: string format: date example: '2001-05-08' PostalAddress: allOf: - required: - Street - PostalCode - City - CountryCode - Validity type: object properties: Annex: type: string maxLength: 120 Street: type: string maxLength: 50 PostalCode: type: string maxLength: 10 City: type: string maxLength: 50 CountryCode: type: string enum: - EG - GQ - ET - AF - AX - AL - DZ - AD - AO - AI - AQ - AG - AR - AM - AW - AZ - AU - BS - BH - BD - BB - BY - BE - BZ - BJ - BM - BT - BO - BQ - BA - BW - BV - BR - IO - BN - BG - BF - BI - CL - CN - CK - CR - CI - CW - DK - DE - DM - DO - DJ - EC - SV - ER - EE - SZ - FO - FK - FJ - FI - FR - TF - GF - PF - GA - GM - GE - GH - GI - GD - GR - GL - GB - GP - GU - GT - GG - GN - GW - GY - HT - HM - HN - HK - IN - ID - IQ - IR - IE - IS - IL - IT - JM - JP - YE - JE - JO - VG - VI - KY - KH - CM - CA - CV - KZ - QA - KE - KG - KI - CC - CO - KM - CG - CD - KP - KR - XK - HR - CU - KW - LA - LS - LV - LB - LR - LY - LI - LT - LU - MO - MG - MW - MY - MV - ML - MT - IM - MP - MA - MH - MQ - MR - MU - YT - MX - FM - MD - MC - MN - ME - MS - MZ - MM - NA - NR - NP - NC - NZ - NI - NL - NE - NG - NU - NF - 'NO' - AT - OM - PK - PS - PW - PA - PG - PY - PE - PH - PN - PL - PT - PR - MK - RE - RW - RO - RU - BL - MF - SB - ZM - AS - WS - SM - ST - SA - SE - CH - SN - RS - SC - SL - ZW - SG - SK - SI - SO - ES - SJ - LK - SX - VC - SH - KN - LC - PM - SD - ZA - GS - SS - SR - SY - TJ - TW - TZ - TH - TL - TG - TK - TO - TT - TD - CZ - TR - TN - TM - TC - TV - UG - UA - HU - UY - UM - US - UZ - VU - VA - VE - AE - VN - WF - CX - EH - CF - CY Validity: type: integer - type: object example: Annex: '' Street: Weiße Breite 5 PostalCode: '49084' City: Osnabrück CountryCode: DE Validity: 1 AlternateAddress: allOf: - $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1new~1/put/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Debtor/properties/PostalAddress/allOf/0' - type: object example: Annex: Bei Schmidt Street: Lieferstrasse 1 PostalCode: '49084' City: Osnabrück CountryCode: DE Validity: 1 Communications: type: array items: required: - Means - Type - Value - Validity type: object properties: Means: example: 2 type: integer enum: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 x-enumNames: - E-Mail - Telephone - Mobile Phone - Fax - Website Type: example: 2 type: integer enum: - 1 - 2 x-enumNames: - privat - dienstlich Value: type: string maxLength: 60 example: 0541 2029-0 Validity: type: integer example: 1 Claim: required: - Amount - ContractDate - ContractualItemCatalogueNo - ContractualCondition - Reason - PrincipalClaim - DunningCosts type: object properties: Amount: type: number example: 79.99 ContractDate: type: string format: date example: '2022-01-06' ContractualItemCatalogueNo: type: string enum: - '01' - '02' - '03' - '04' - '05' - '06' - '07' - 08 - 09 - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' - '37' - '38' - '39' - '40' - '41' - '42' - '43' - '44' - '45' - '46' - '47' - '48' - '49' - '50' - '53' - '54' - '55' - '56' - '57' - '58' - '59' - '60' - '61' - '62' - '63' - '64' - '65' - '66' - '67' - '68' - '69' - '70' - '71' - '72' - '73' - '74' - '75' - '76' - '77' - '78' - '79' - '80' - '81' - '82' - '83' - '84' - '90' - '95' x-enumNames: - Anzeigen in Zeitungen u.a. - Ärztliche oder zahnärztliche Leistung - Bürgschaft - Darlehensrückzahlung - Dienstleistungsvertrag - Frachtkosten - Geschäftsbesorgung durch Selbständige - Handwerkerleistung - Heimunterbringung - Hotelkosten - Kaufvertrag - Kontokorrentabrechnung - Krankenhauskosten - Pflege/Behandlung - - Lagerkosten - Leasing/Mietkauf - Lehrgangs-/Unterrichtskosten - Miete für Geschäftsraum einschl. Nebenkosten - Miete für Kraftfahrzeug - Miete für Wohnraum einschl. Nebenkosten - Mietnebenkosten - auch Renovierungskosten - - Miete - Mitgliedsbeitrag - Pacht - Rechtsanwalts-/Rechtsbeistandshonorar - Rentenrückstände - Reparaturleistung - Rückgriff aus Versicherungsvertrag wegen Unfall/Vorfall - Schadenersatz aus Vertrag - Schadenersatz aus Unfall/Vorfall - Scheck/Wechsel - Scheck-/Wechselprovision (1/3 %) - Scheck-/Wechselunkosten - Spesen/Protest - - Schuldanerkenntnis - Speditionskosten - Tilgungs-/Zinsraten - Überziehung des Bankkontos - Ungerechtfertigte Bereicherung - Unterhaltsrückstände - 'Vergleich, außergerichtlicher' - Vermittlungs-/Maklerprovision - Versicherungsprämie/-beitrag - 'Versorgungsleistung - Strom, Wasser, Gas, Wärme -' - Warenlieferung/-en - Werkvertrag/Werklieferungsvertrag - Zeitungs-/Zeitschriftenbezug - Zinsrückstände/Verzugszinsen - Nicht eingehaltene Abnahmeverpflichtung/en - Fahrgeld/erhöhtes Beförderungsentgelt für eine Fahrt ohne gültigen Fahrausweis - Erhöhtes Beförderungsentgelt für eine Fahrt ohne gültigen Fahrausweis - Inkassokosten für außergerichtlichen Vergleich/Abzahlungsvereinbarung - Geschäftsgebühr gemäß § 40 VVG - Rückzahlung von Handelsvertreterprovisionen - Zahlung kassierter und nicht abgeführter Inkassogelder - Unerlaubte Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke aus dem Repertoire des Antragstellers - Gesetzlicher Vergütungsanspruch nach § 27 UrhG - Fällige Pauschale für die Einräumung urheberrechtlicher Nutzungsrechte - Rückzahlung des Familiengründungsdarlehen - Versorgungsleistung - Wahlleistungen bei stationärer Behandlung - Folgebeitrag zur Versicherung - Zwischenbeitrag zur Versicherung - Beitrag laut Versicherungsschein - Nachtrag zur Versicherung - Beitragsrückstand zur Versicherung - Scheckrücklauf zur Versicherung - Restforderung abzüglich Gutschriften - Entgeltforderung gemäß Telekom-Rechnung - Kindertagesstättenbeitrag - Verzugsschaden (nicht anrechenbare RA-Kosten aus vorgerichtl. Tätigkeit) - Rückzahlung aus grundpf. gesichertem Kreditvertrag/gleichgestelltem Darlehen n. Bausparkassengesetz - Gesetzlicher Vergütungsanspruch nach § 54 UrhG - Kreditkartenvertrag - Reisevertrag - Telekommunikationsleistungen - Krankentransportkosten - Tierärztliche Leistung - Verpflegungskosten - Rückgriff aus Bürgschaft oder Garantie - Entschädigung des Sortenschutzinhabers für Nachbau - Prämienzuschlag für Krankheitskostenversicherung wegen Nichtversicherung gemäß § 193 Abs. 4 VVG - Prämienrückstand für Krankheitskostenversicherung gem. § 193 Abs. 6 VVG - Säumniszuschlag für Prämienrückstand zur Krankheitskostenversicherung gem. § 193 Abs. 6 VVG - Wohngeld/Hausgeld für Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft - Beiträge zur privaten Pflegeversicherung ContractualCondition: type: integer enum: - 1 - 2 - 3 x-enumNames: - Forderungen über verkaufte Waren - Forderung über erbrachte Leistungen - Forderungen über per Vorkasse verkaufte Waren OriginalCreatorName: type: string maxLength: 100 example: tatsächlicher Gläubigername Reason: type: string maxLength: 200 example: Nutzungsgebühr PrincipalClaim: $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1new~1/put/requestBody/content/application~1json/schema/properties/Claim/properties/DunningCosts' DunningCosts: required: - Number - Value - Date type: object properties: Number: type: string maxLength: 40 example: '1086247' Value: type: number example: 79.99 Date: type: string format: date example: '2021-08-02' Remark: type: string maxLength: 200 example: Bemerkung zur Rechnung Memo: type: string maxLength: 200 example: Nutzungsgebühr für den Monat Oktober 2022 responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1%7Baz%7D~1close~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema' Data: type: object properties: Filenumber: type: string maxLength: 11 example: '66842321091' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '422': description: Unprocessable Entity content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: info sValue: OpenApi check failed (code AWX494) sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

'/collect/claim/{az}/payment/': post: tags: - collect operationId: collectClaimDirectPayment summary: Zahlungseingang zu einer Forderung melden parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' - $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1%7Baz%7D~1close~1/post/parameters/3' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: required: - Amount - AcceptanceDate type: object properties: Amount: type: number example: 79.99 AcceptanceDate: type: string format: date example: '2022-10-17' VoucherNo: type: string maxLength: 50 example: B707955 Notice: type: string maxLength: 200 example: Direktzahlung an Gläubiger vor Übernahme responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1%7Baz%7D~1close~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '500': description: Internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

'/collect/claim/{az}/close/': post: tags: - collect operationId: claimClose summary: Inkasso Forderung stornieren parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' - name: az in: path description: FileNumber schema: type: string pattern: '^\d{11}$' required: true example: '12345678910' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: bSuccess: type: boolean example: true aMessage: type: array description: array of Messages items: type: object properties: sKey: type: string example: info sValue: type: string example: Request successfully received '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: Response: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

'/collect/claim/{az}/status/': get: tags: - collect operationId: claimStatus summary: Status einer Inkasso Forderung parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_uuid' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/parameter_password' - $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1%7Baz%7D~1close~1/post/parameters/3' responses: '200': description: successful operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: Response: $ref: '#/paths/~1collect~1claim~1%7Baz%7D~1close~1/post/responses/200/content/application~1json/schema' Data: type: object properties: ClientCustomerRefNo: type: string maxLength: 40 example: 6910-2 ImportStatus: type: string enum: - succeeded - pending - failed example: succeeded Stage: type: string enum: - V - G - L - 'N' - Ü - n.a. x-enumNames: - Vorgerichtlich - Gerichtlich - Langzeitüberwachung vorgerichtlich - Nachgerichtlich - Nachgerichtliche Überwachung - nicht verfügbar example: V Reason: type: object properties: Notice: type: string example: Teilzahlung ClosingDate: type: string format: date example: '2022-10-17' '400': description: bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Request method invalid. (code SFL327) sData: '' '404': description: not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - sKey: error sValue: Not Found sData: '' '500': description: internal server error content: {} '503': description: Service Unavailable content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiResponse' example: bSuccess: false aMessage: - skey: info sValue: Service not available - skey: error sValue: Service error (code ZFB826) - skey: logId sValue: 63fdbb601e651 sData: '' text/html: schema: type: string example: 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

components: parameters: parameter_uuid: name: uuid in: header description: UUID of client schema: type: string maxLength: 36 required: true example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 parameter_user: name: user in: header description: authentification schema: type: string required: true example: foo parameter_password: name: password description: authentification in: header schema: type: string required: true example: bar schemas: apiResponse: type: object x-type: apiResponse properties: bSuccess: type: boolean description: operation successful true/false example: true aMessage: type: array description: array of Messages items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiMessage' sData: type: string description: JSON example: '{"foo":"bar"}' apiMessage: type: object x-type: apiMessage properties: sKey: type: string example: info sValue: type: string example: Claim successfully received